Hello! I'm Les Cheetham and you've found my website. There’s information on my guitar tuition and a page about the Guitarist magazine "Guitarist of the Year" competition which I was fortunate enough to win in 1999. My winning tune was entitled "Soup" and there's a video of me playing it here! There is also a biography and some contact information. I’ve taken a real interest in acoustic guitar so there’s a fair bit of that too. There are links to other sites that I appear on at the top of the page. For any guitar related questions please feel free to contact me using my contact page or Facebook. Anyway, nice to see you, have a browse around and I'll put the kettle on.

I’ve posted a video on You Tube. It’s an arrangement of the beautiful Ludovico Einaudi composition “Nuvole Bianche”. A transcription is available from a link on my Tablature Page. The video is here. There are three new videos on You Tube. Including a close up lesson on the acoustic version of Little Wing. The free tablature can be downloaded from my Tablature page.
There’s also an arrangement of the great Michael Nyman instrumental “The Heart Asks Pleasure First”. You may recognise the tune from the film “The Piano”. The tab is available for free on my tablature page.
I play a McIlroy A25 acoustic guitar and they're absolutely incredible. instruments! Click on the image to check them out. You can hear mine in action on the acoustic tunes on my "Audio and Video" page.